What is Tonalin CLA?

Source Naturals Tonalin CLA is a supplement aimed to help the body reduce fat and assist in the body developing leaner muscles. It uses a conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) extracted from safflower oil, which is known to contain a more concentrated quantity of CLA. CLA supplements are popular with athletes and those who wish to lose weight.


Source Naturals Tonalin CLA supplement exclusively utilizes safflower oil extract. About 2.22 g of CLA is contained in each capsule with no other filler ingredients. The only other ingredients are found in the softgel capsule itself which contains the standard gelatine, glycerine, water, natural caramel color, and a mixed tocopherol combination.


The suggested dosage of Tonalin CLA is three capsules per day. Ideally, each capsule should be taken during a meal and with plenty of water. Take one during breakfast, another at lunch and the last one during dinner in the evening. Follow the instructions on the label or as directed by your health professional.


This product is available in four sizes. You can get the 30-capsule bottles for $12.25, a 60-capsule bottle for $22.50, a 90-capsule bottle for $32.98, and a 120-capsule bottle for $43.50. We highly recommend that you try it out first with the 30 capsule bottles to see how good your body will react to Tonalin CLA. Since it is quite affordable, you can purchase the 120-capsule bottles without too much impact on your pocket. The product does not come with a monthly supply package option, though, so don’t expect a discount for bulk purchases. Hopefully, this will change in the future as several top supplement manufacturers are already offering their products with a discounted monthly supply option.

Possible Side Effects

While Source Naturals Tonalin CLA has proven to be quite safe to use it should always be noted that the main ingredient, CLA, is known for causing several side effects. These side effects mostly occur when dosage exceeds the recommended levels. The most common side effects caused by CLA intake are stomachache, diarrhea, and fatigue. CLA is also known to exacerbate health conditions such as diabetes as it can increase blood sugar levels. CLA might also cause negative effects on the blood vessels which in turn increase the risk of heart problems. To be safe it is best to consult with your doctor first before trying out new supplements.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

After a thorough search of the Source Natural’s official website, we could not find any customer guarantees that come with the product. However, Source Natural products have maintained a solid reputation from previous customers.

The Bottom Line

Source Natural Tonalin CLA is one of the safest CLA supplements around today. It is also quite effective when it comes to promoting weight loss and helping build up muscles. It is also quite affordable and there are several customer testimonials online to backup its claims of effectiveness. However, it is best that you first consult your doctor before taking any CLA supplements as it is known to cause side effects and has negative effects on any pre-existing health conditions. All in all, this product is certainly one of the best CLA supplements available on the market at this moment.

Do you want to find an effective CLA treatment? Check out our top rated CLA products