What is Amazing Nutrition CLA?

Amazing Nutrition CLA offers consumers the chance to increase their metabolism, an obvious benefit to any athlete wishing to increase lean muscle mass and tone up. It claims to help maintain a healthy weight by reducing body fat as well as promoting the growth of healthy muscles by assisting nutrients to be absorbed into healthy muscle cells. Amazing Nutrition CLA also aims to provide consumers with a boost to the immune system, allowing an overall feeling of wellness.


Amazing Nutrition CLA contains 80% active CLA that is derived from safflower oil, each softgel boasting 1000mg of CLA. We have found that this is within the market with other products. Other ingredients in the softgels are gelatin, vegetable glycerin, natural caramel color, titanium dioxide color, purified water. The product does not state whether it contains any allergy-inducing ingredients such as nuts, eggs or wheat.


Two Amazing Nutrition CLA softgels should be taken at a time, preferably with meals or otherwise as directed by a health professional. This product is to be used as a supplement in conjunction with a balanced diet and exercise program and is not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women.


Amazing Nutrition CLA comes in a bottle with 180 softgel capsules. Each bottle should last around six weeks and will cost $19.99, equating to less than 50c per day! There is no discounted price for buying multiple bottles, and shipping prices need to be factored in.

Possible Side Effects

There are no advertised side effects for Amazing Nutrition CLA. The packaging states that the daily dosage should not be exceeded, perhaps due to the fact that it could result in adverse side effects, and if any do occur, consumers should seek professional medical advice.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

Amazing Nutrition CLA does not offer any customer satisfaction guarantee. This does not necessarily indicate that the product will not work, but many consumers have reported not seeing any results. The company may feel complete confidence in their product and so therefore not need a guarantee. Despite some reviewers not noticing any weight loss, there are also plenty of positive reviews to indicate that the product is effective.

The Bottom Line

Amazing Nutrition CLA offers a fairly high potency of active CLA at a reasonable price. Unfortunately, there is no discounted price for buying large quantities and the lack of guarantee along with a few negative reviews may turn away some potential customers. Despite this, there are plenty of positive reviews and when used as directed alongside exercise and a healthy diet, results may be seen.

Do you want to find an effective CLA treatment? Check out our top rated CLA products