CLA is being hailed as a miraculous natural supplement for quite some time now. Time and again, its champions emphasize on the various health benefits of CLA. The scientific community stresses that it is a new hope for people who are suffering from cancer. Additionally, it can also provide cover from problems such as heart diseases and diabetes.

The most flounced benefit of CLA is its ability to shed fats found in the body. The commercial weight industry has been advertising this product as the miracle that will help you achieve your weight loss goals in no time at all. They claim that it has the ability to lose fat but has no effect on body weight. Therefore, it is especially useful for people who want to build muscles.

The Reality of Conjugated Linoleic AcidSuch hype around one product often makes one wonder, if CLA is REALLY that useful? Or is it just the commercial industry trying to advertise and sell a product based on inconsistent findings and incomplete studies.

In this article, we have tried to decipher truth from false claims and advertisements. Here we have assembled facts and compiled an honest review so that you may be able to make a sound decision whether or not to add CLA in your daily diet.

Understanding the Chemistry of Conjugated Linoleic Acid

CLA or Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a fatty acid polymer belonging to the family of linoleic acid. It is one of 28 isomers. The beneficial effects of CLA arise due to its chemical structure. The various molecules present in it are linked to each other through cis- and trans- bonds. On the other hand, the chemical structure of industrial trans-fat mainly consists of trans bonds which render it unhealthy and noxious.

CLA is naturally found in the meat of grass eating animals and dairy products derived from such animals. The rumen bacteria present in the gut of these animals is responsible for the synthesis of CLA. Moreover, other natural sources of CLA include oil extracted from safflower, eggs and mushrooms.

CLA and Scientific Researches

The Reality of Conjugated Linoleic AcidConjugated Linoleic Acid is mainly advertised for its ability to reduce body fat. The commercial industries claim that research has shown loss of fat without any comprehensive change in body weight. Human clinical trials revealed that CLA was also helpful in losing weight and promoting lean body mass. Some research has suggested the opposite and found inconsistencies in the results with many concluding that CLA had no great effect on the metabolism of fats in the human body. Another often quoted benefit of CLA is its ability to combat cancer. A thorough study of the researches conducted in this field reveals that CLA may not be as useful as it was being claimed. Human clinical trials have been few and the findings in this area were also inconsistent.

Furthermore, CLA was linked with decreased levels of good cholesterol i.e. HDL in the body. Some researchers have revealed that CLA may cause liver diseases in animals and therefore humans should avoid its prolonged use, and CLA had no effect on people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Our verdict is that CLA may not be the answer to multiple health problems. Additionally, the risks associated with its prolonged use are far greater than the minimal advantages. That’s said, the benefit of shedding unwanted pounds is definitely promising and could well be considered as a good option to include in your daily weight loss program. Instead of opting for commercial dietary supplements, natural supplements of CLA are a much better option.

Do you want to find an effective CLA treatment? Check out our top rated CLA products